Thursday, October 17, 2013

What a wild ride!

Sometimes life catches you off guard and the next thing you know...BAM! Right in the face...

It's not a bad thing sometimes.  At least not for me.  My 'wow' moment came when I realized life is too short to work 2 jobs and miss out on my son and daughter's life.  I'm not sure at what point that I realized that after being married for so long, I needed to venture out on my own.  By venture out, I mean...move 3 miles away, still invite the husband and kids for dinner, have my son most of the week...etc.

Maybe it's a midlife crisis.  Nah.  I moved and my husband knew I was going to do it.  He has been very supportive and considering the time I divorced from my first husband, this is unreal.  Since I stopped working two jobs, we spend more time together than ever.  I moved a whole 3 miles away and guess what?

He just got an apartment in my same complex!  It is truly amazing what some maturity and actual love can do for a couple.  We are both so supportive and help each other.  I'm actually glad he moved here.

I told him we could date but he'd have to ask my dad.  Can't having some man living in my house!  Everyone thinks we'll move in together but I think this 'time a part' as in seeing each other next door to each other...may just bring us closer.

It's been a wild ride but a fantastic one and no matter what happens, we are a team, a family and the rulers of our world.

Okay, rulers of our world may be a little dramatic.

We all know the kids rule our world.

Until next time...

Thursday, August 29, 2013

That's life...

I love that song by Frank Sinatra...

Sometimes life throws you a surprise or two.  Sometimes for the better.  Life is full of love and joy.  I know this to be true because I've known it and still do.  Every now and then you need to make a change.  It's not always easy, but in the end you know you'll be a better person for it. 

I've had a crazy year for the most part.  Well, all of it's been crazy to be honest.  As the year comes to an end, I can look back and say...WOW!!!  Life is awesome when it has a 'wow' factor in it. 

I'm an honest person.  I can say that I screamed, cursed, cried and did it all.  However, sometimes it is what it is. 

I'm in a good place and my family is also.  I love them all no matter what and nothing will change that.  They love me too. 

Life is good.  That's life...

That's Life-Frank Sinatra

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Breaking point...

Hey now, I break more than just other peoples hopes, dreams and hearts.  I am somewhat practical at times and break real things.  Physical things.  Things that cost me money.  Not like this picture I've thrown on here of a broken beer bottle.  I didn't break that.  Plus, I don't drink beer.  It's not my thing.  I'm sure you get the point, I break things.

I have learned after years of breaking things, just to go ahead and admit it.  I'm not going to lie, at one point, I'd act just as surprised as person finding the broken item and chime in with 'wow, how did that happen?'.  That all ended the time I started laughing and couldn't pull off my serious, fake shock. 

After years of backing over holiday decorations, which clearly was not my fault. All people with garages and driveways, back out into the yard to pull out onto the street but I digress.  My, 'Maybe the wind did it' excuse only worked for so long...

One day, I swiftly pulled in to the garage and my ever so handy husband had been changing the oil on his car.  Well, if it's in my spot, I may run over it.  Why should I have to look before I park at my own house, in my own spot...right?  Well, it seems, whatever I run over and break at that point, thanks to my CSI husband, I will never be able to deny. 

Picture this:  A hard day at work...I pull in my drive, turn in to my garage and see he's been working on his car.  I run over something....back up and pretend it didn't happen.  I parked out in the driveway.  That's when I got a good look at what I had ran over.  It was his creeper.  *that's those things guys lay down on and roll under cars on*   It was warped.  I mean, tire tracks over the cushion part you lay on. Ugh.  How was I going to deny this?  Would I admit it when I walked it?  HELL NO.  So, I go in and he comes out to finish the job and I hear some mumbling.  I look out the window and he's lying on it and no matter how he adjusts his body, only 3 wheels were on the ground at a time.  Doesn't matter how many times he adjusted, it was always 3 different wheels and usually, never the same ones. 

That's when the laughter came........I laughed so hard for so long....THEN he got up and saw the tire track across the part you lay on....*ends laughter*

Then I heard...."Did you run over my creeper?"  my defense....'What's a creeper? .... It was in my parking spot'.

A weak, yet arguable defense, regardless. 

Creepers aren't always in my parking spot so why should I, of all days, think one would be there now?  Right?  ...meh

*insert many of broken things up to the current date*

Just know this, my husband is a researcher.  He studies everything when it comes to buying something.  I talking to the point of when he buys something, I'm like WTF??  He says...'oh we talked about it....' 6 months ago....

So, the other day, I decided I wanted a small frozen pizza.  Why?  Because I was lazy as hell.  I set the toaster oven to preheat and did other things...that's when I smelled it.  That smelly smell.  That smell of something in the kitchen that shouldn't be there.  The smell of plastic and wires melting.

My house isn't that small, so if something is to burn or melt, I'm not going to know about it for a while, unless the fire alarm goes off.  This was just fumes for some reason.  I go into the kitchen.

On top of my toaster oven is....the kitchen scale.  The scale that he spent weeks researching...who has the best ratings? best prices?...that's irrelevant now because

I melted the fuck out of it.

There's no saving it. I turned it on and it worked.  It was warped.  Just like the creeper.  It'd lean one way or the other.  Being a scale, I thought it may work in my favor.  Lean a little, get a little more...says it weighs less than it is...less guilt sets get the picture.

But no.  

I admitted my guilt before it had a chance to even cool down. 

He came in the kitchen.  Looked at it...and threw it in the trash.

In my face.  I was appalled.

"In my face?  Just like that, you throw it in the trash in my face???"


...then I found the batteries he took out the next day.  It seems those were still good.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Two Tears in a Bucket

I had a chance to train 2 new employees today, one at each job.  When the one girl at my part time job asked me if I had kids and I told her my daughter would be 19 in a few weeks and that I had an 11 year old son, she almost fell out.  She said, "I thought you were 25 or 26...OMG I'm could be my mother." 

Most everyone I meet freak out when they find out how old I am.  Life is too short to act old. Trust me, I work in a cardiology office.  Some of the 'youngest' patients we have are the oldest.

I have a theory of this:  Once you hit your late 20's, fuck what other people think.  Be yourself.  Intentionally impress no one.  As I have said so many times before and I know my family is tired of hearing it...the only person that can truly make you happy is yourself.  You may love your life, your family and more but without self satisfaction, without loving yourself, without depending on 'how others feel about you' just to validate yourself, you'll never truly be happy. 

With that being said, think about this, how can anyone love a person that can't love their self as a whole?  I'm talking, flaws and all. 

Love yourself.  Accept your flaws.  To hell with what other people think.  Life is too short.  I'm 37 going on 16...a very responsible 16 year old, none the less. 

I'm far from perfect.  I accepted that a long time ago.  However, there are a few people that seem to want to remind me from time to time of my imperfections.  That's okay.  Whatever makes them feel better about themselves. 

I'd hate me too, if I were you.  The thing is, I'm not you.  My life has no time for hate.  I'm too busy loving life and myself.  It's liberating.  It's exciting.  Not to mention, entertaining. 

I'm here to entertain make you laugh, to get in your head, to let you know I am not changing for anyone. As long as you are thinking of me, my job is done.


Saturday, July 14, 2012

I'm a Leo and that's reason enough

Far from a wimp, I often stand my ground in the worst of situations.  It's a weakness of mine.  It's pride and it can be a double edge sword sometimes.  I intimidate people sometimes without knowing it.  Sometimes I'm fully aware of what I'm doing.  When that's the case, well, beware. 

I like to talk. I like to entertain.  I like to start sentences with 'I'.  Sometimes, people may want to say, "Teresa, you know it isn't always about you." but they don't. 

On the few times it did happen, I promptly informed them that yes, it was all about me. 

It's the price you pay sometimes when dealing with me.  At least I'm honest, be it to a fault at times but the bottom line is I'm loyal.  I'm a good friend, at least I like to think so.  It may be years from the last time I've spoken to you but once we do talk it's as if no time has passed.  I'm a giver.  I give of myself in service when I don't have the financial means to do so.  I love to write, play music, make people laugh and love life.  I love to encourage people and when I say that I wish the best for you, I honestly mean it. 

My loyalty is with my family most of all.  Hurt one of my family members in any way (physical or emotional),  be it today or 20 years from now, you will wished you never have. In fact, I bet you'll wish you never met me. 

Then there is the flip side.  I'm melodramatic.  I'm vain.  I try not to be vain but I can't help it.  Let's say, I'm honestly vain. 

I for the most part know that people can't help what they do.  People react in different ways to different situations.  Sometimes, I'm the problem.  Most of the time it's other people's undiagnosed mental health issues that are the problem.  I am far from perfect but I am honest.  Fantasy, wizards, witchcraft and tall tales aren't honest.  Lies and deceit spewing like vile putrid vomit from the black hearts of hatred leads you into despair.

How people can live with so much hatred in their hearts and souls, I'll never know.  Maybe it's because I'm a forgiver.  I'm far from one that forgets.  Sometimes you pay the price for your past.  The check I wrote has already been cashed, has yours? 

You may want to go a head and get a job at your local hardware store so you can get a discount on supplies.  You may need them so you can build a bridge and get over it.  

It's my birthday month. Hear me rawrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.  lol

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Stupid Sh*t My Husband Says...

"Oh dear me! Why ever would a wife post something like this?"

That's because you don't have the nerve.

For the sake of the last word, my husband, whom has never blasted me online, may just start his own blog after seeing this.  I made the answers as short and to the point as I could.  No need in long drawn out discussions.  Choose your battles.  Sometimes the shortest answer is the best.

I'm often humored when someone posts a blog or Facebook status about how amazing their family is.  I think that's all well and great but the truth is that most people think you are full of...well, you know. 

He could blog for years about the stupid shit I say/do...but I digress...for once, this isn't about me.

It's about him.  Bless his heart.

Here's my top ten list for now:

1. How many pairs of black shoes do you need?

Answer:  Lots.  That should cover it.

2. We already have that so why did you buy another one?

Answer:  I if 'we' already had it, I would have found it.

3.  Did you even look for it?

Answer:  No

4. Are you helpless?

Answer:  It depends on what I want to do.

5. How many bottles of lotions should you have?

Answer:  See the first question's answer. 

6.  Do you not think we have enough scented candles?

Answer:  If I did, I wouldn't have bought another one.

7. Wine again?

Answer:  Yes

8. You told me this yesterday, why are you telling me again?

Answer:  Shut up and pretend you haven't heard it. Besides, I'm surprised you listened to begin with and see the subject of the question above. 

9. Do you have to buy something everyday?

Answer:  No.  I take Saturdays off. 

10.  Tell me again why (...fill in the current situation...)?

Answer:  I stopped listening when you got to the 'why' part.

I try to be as honest about life as I can.  I've been married so long that many potential arguments just turn into tolerance.  Don't think for a minute I turn the other cheek and let things pass that piss me off.  It's far from sad.  It's true.  That's the best part.  I can say it out loud. Your life is what you make it.  I made mine pretty damn awesome and still do. 


I'll beat him to the punch on this one...this is probably what he would put if he had a blog titled 'Stupid Sh*t My Wife Says'

1.  Do we need a television that big?

Answer:  Yes

2. Do we need a television bigger than the last one you bought?

Answer:  Yes

3. I need another pair of black shoes (I know it's not a question).

Answer:  Seriously?  (There's your question)

4.   OMG! Why am I on side of the road?

Answer:  Did you buy gas? (*bonus* answered a question with a question)

5. Really?

Answer:  Seriously

I could go on but remember, it's not about me.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

I can laugh at myself. I give you permission to laugh at me also.

Damn, another blog so soon.  I'm on a roll!

Life is good.  My family is happy.  If they aren't, I bet they won't say it to my face.  Just being real folks but I'm pretty sure they have no complaints...

I don't want to complain.  But then I open my mouth and speak.  I've been focusing more positive energy on crocheting lately.  I can work the yarn and see what I've produced.  It's better than watching television to pass the time.  My creations have often left something to be desired.  Just like the horse shoe scarf.

It's not what I expected in the end but I had a good time making it and learned a valuable lesson.  Counting is a must when it comes to crochet.  My daughter suggested I use if for public toilets.  I suggested she shut up.  All is well that ends well. 

Then the idea to make a flower came to me.  Not just a flower but a pot holder with a flower.  Completely useless.  I did learn a lot when I made it.  I learned that I really need to work on my crochet. 

I eventually got better after practice, practice, practice and made a HUGE blanket.  I was working on it at Christmas.  I had taken the part I worked on to Alabama to show my grandmother.  I told her when I finished, I'd give it to her.  Her words to me were..."I sure hope I live to see it."  I said, "I know I crochet slow but I will not be defeated by this blanket!" 

Well, I finished it like two months later and it's so big that I think it'll be easier and cheaper to drive it to her than mail it.  It's not my fault.  Maybe it is.  I just thought the pattern didn't seem big enough so I added to it.  She's still alive. I swear I have 10+ skeins in it.  (That's the term for the yarn you buy). 

Sometimes I say in my head...Skein, skein, skein, skein.  To the window to the wall...but I digress. I worked two yarns at once to make this beautifully blended blanket.  It's sits about two feet from me.  I'm a horrible granddaughter.

I ended up making some pretty cool stuff and selling some things.  Then I discovered the fine art of  amigurumi.  Well, my first piece turned out like this...

It's supposed to be a rat...

Well, I guess I'll keep on my trying.  Maybe I'll just crochet an animal with legs. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Did your parents not love you enough to teach you these things or do you just not care?

I like to give tips to just give people a heads up on thinking about their actions, prior to acting on them.  I mean, I know the title may sound harsh but I see it this way:

  1. You weren't raised well.
  2. If you were raised well, you took as serious detour along the way.
  3. Maybe common sense isn't as common as we think it is. 
  4. I'm at a blank.  Sometimes, there is no excuse for stupid and it should hurt.

I want to start of by reminding all adults that some things aren't appropriate in public. 
  • Please do not make out in public.  Please.  I bet, as an adult, you have a home to do this in or find another place besides standing in front of me at Kroger while I'm in line.  You can show affection by holding hands, having your arms around each other but don't suck each others face in front of me.  You are gross and have no manners.  Obviously, you weren't taught what proper public behavior is all about.
  • PJ's   For the love of everything holy that you believe in, STOP wearing those in public.  What the hell?  Pajama pants and sometimes be passed off as just non-noticeable pants UNLESS they have snowflakes, cartoon characters and crazy designs on them.  One day, I saw a young man in complete pajamas.  Flannel, plaid, button up top and all.  To me, that screams, "I'm too damn lazy to find real clothes to present myself in public with."  Maybe I just take it too seriously but what examples are we teaching children, not just our own but others, when they see adults too lazy to wear such things. 
  • Please be aware of what you say while talking on your cell phone in public.  I know I've been over this before.  Chances are, if I already question your stupidity, this confirms it.  Tonight I heard, 'Damn that light skinned bitch.  She dumb. Who she think she is?'   Wow.  Black on black racism.   Well, black on light skinned bitches racism.  I don't talk about white women by saying, "Damn that tanned skinned bitch.  I do find her intelligence quite questionable."  (To some that may sound racist, to me I have to say, get over it.  Everyone is racist and if you say you are not, you are lying.) Holy hell, I could go on about this and the countless comedians that make jokes about the way white people speak and behave but I digress...I'm not mad at them.  White folks are fucking funny sometimes.  (Case in point:  Jerry Springer's guests)
  • Let's as adults all become responsible for, how should I say...being adults.  If you have to update paperwork once a year in your doctor's office, get over it.  Really, the office doesn't care if your information hasn't changed.  The office doesn't care if you get upset.  It's the doctor's ass on the line if you don't read and sign the paperwork.  It's not even anything out of the norm.  It's just plain basic common sense. However, our society is so litigious, (google it if you don't understand it), to let one tiny bit of information pass by you without your knowledge. If you sign it, you understand it.  If you refuse, well depending on what you refused, you may or may not be treated.  Don't sign a consent to treat?  You get treated by no one.     
  • Stop being an asshole bully.  That may work with your wife at home or anyone else you come into contact with but remember, I have a degree in passive aggression.  I'll tell you in the nicest, most sincere way to go fuck yourself.  What are you going to do?  Complain?  Go ahead.  Make a complaint.  What are you going to say?  Nothing.  "She was really nice about telling me blah blah blah but I think she may have been rude but I'm not sure because I'm confused because she helped me and I thought I was stupid since she made me feel that way but she was right and now I have what I need..."  I know, it's a massive run on sentence but you get the point. 
  • Stop letting your kids run free in public places, unless it's a park and still watch them like hawks. I don't want to hear your kid scream and cry.  For all I know, someone may be kidnapping that child but I think they are a spoiled brat. And............
  • FOR GOD'S SAKE.......stop putting your children in pants that have words on the ass.  NO MATTER THEIR AGE...It's disturbing enough to see adults with that crap.  I don't think a six year old should have 'Cutie' or 'Sweet' on the ass of their pants.  Who the fuck would think that was cute?  I know who, just like you do.  I still see that crap and it's been going on for years.  I don't care if it's Victoria's Secret 'Pink' on the ass of a teenager, it's fucked up.    It's a sad paradox if you think about it.

Oh, how I could go on.  I have so much to say...yet life gets in the way sometimes.  My time is limited but my mind is unstoppable.  That is what's on brew bitches.  Just like a fresh pot of coffee first thing in the morning, I'm ready for the day.

So, sit back and think about your imprint you will leave in this world.  What will be your legacy?

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Honesty and Dreams

Some will say that honesty is the best policy. I'll call bull on that just based on the fact that not all people can be honest and it be, well, for the best. I, however, can be honest for the uncomfortably best. Yes, that's correct. Uncomfortably best. Inappropriate at times? Of course, but by who's standards? I have learned that living your life based on other people's standards will get you no where. Fast.

With that being said, as much as people attempt to bring me down, I continue moving forward leaving (be it physically or emotionally) people in the dust of my fearless adventures while trying to live the dream. I have dreams. I have goals. People are haters. I'm not so much a hater as a motivator. I love to see people succeed. I love to see my kids happy. I encourage that. I love to help others. I may not always have the financial means but I help in other ways. Does that make me a better person that you? Nope. I have lots of flaws. Lots of vices. I own them all.

I'm prejudice. Before you blow up and get all crazy on me, I think everyone is prejudice. I don't even like white people at times. I know Indians that don't like Indians, I know blacks that don't like blacks. There are good and bad people in every race and religion and trust me when I say, not all Christians are good. I was born and raised Baptist. Hmm...guess that makes me a hypocritical prejudicial white girl. It is what it is.

I'm living the dream. The American dream that consists of 2.5 kids, yet I'm not sure where the 1/2 child is, maybe it's buried in my soul which gives me the freedom to say what I feel and feel what I say. I'm working to live and at times feel like I live to work. People take from me and yet I still give. I give and expect nothing in return. People close to me know when I need them the most and step up.

So, excuse me while I think back to a simpler time. A time when we had 3 stations and it depended on how the antenna was directed as to what we could watch on television. A time when I recorded my favorite top 40 songs on a cassette tape during the weekend's top 40 program on the radio. Dreams were simpler then, like how I was going to meet Boy George or marry Simon Le Bon of Duran Duran. A time when I would work in my grandparent's garden. A time when my papaw saw Boy George and asked me, "What the hell is that?" Sometimes I long for those days when my mamaw would play her vinyl on her console turntable and then listen to the party line.

I read once that dreams are illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you. Maybe we should write our own books.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Wow! Life is truly what you make it.

So, my new full time job is beyond anything I thought it'd be. The staff is great, the company is great, the doctors and practice manager are awesome. My part time job is what it is. That would be solid entertainment because I make it that way. I've become comfortable enough at my full time job to let them see tiny snippets of how horribly awesome I am and was told for the first time since I'd been there..."Teresa you are in the wrong business." (This was said in a positive manner and I've heard it so many times before).

Will I ever have the nerve to step out and share it with the whole world? Maybe. Life is what you make it. I really think that fear is stopping me more than anything else. Fear of failure. However, there's never been a lesson I haven't learned from failure. Failure of a marriage, failure of birth control, failure of not putting gas in your car when it's on empty. Life has a way of teaching you lessons of what not to do. Maybe it's more that I don't want to hurt people close to me. Actually, let me take that back. Sometimes I'd like to really hurt the people close to me but my mama didn't raise a quitter and I might start and not stop.

Just putting it out there.

Maybe I'll write a book? Nope. Too many people would think it was all true and try to figure out which characters matched up with real people in my life or they'd try to figure out hidden meanings in things like murder scenes and think I want to kill people. I was told by a very wise person once, "Write about what you know and have passion for what you do and you'll go far." I know pain, humor, passion, love, lust, anger, disdain, evil, honor, happiness...

Maybe I'll be a stand up comic? Nope. Too many people would think or I should say KNOW who I'm talking about and get pissed. I mean, you can't hold back when you are dealing with tragic truth turned into humor. I would for real lose people in my life because they'd get all mad because my delivery of life events would bring laughter to others.

Maybe people should start reconsidering being my friends and family to be on the safe side.

So, I think I will write. I will get declined over and over and one day I might just get my book published. Maybe I'll collect my thoughts in a reasonable order and go to an open mic night.

Hell, there's nothing wrong with pissing people off. It seems I do a good job of that without doing any of the above. I need to work on getting passed what others think about it.

Life is what you make it and I say let's make it a party! Get your drink on because you'll need it after you read my book about lust, murder, honor and happiness. Better yet, you'll need it when I'm making fun of you all up on stage and am famous for it.

With that being said...I want to say a big thanks to those who have given me the encouragement I needed and still need. You know who you are and if you don't I'll make a list.

Friday, April 29, 2011

And you are really worried about the Royal wedding?

The aftermath of the devastating storms that have swept across the South has just been heartbreaking to see. I've heard some people try and play it down as 'not as bad as Katrina'.

Being born and raised in Alabama, I just want to clarify things when it comes to natural disasters. A hurricane you know about well in advance. A tornado can happen at anytime and any place during severe weather. It really hits home when you are from one of the devastated areas and know people there. The stories that are pouring in are tragic. Hurricanes are bad, don't get me wrong. You can't hide from a tornado when you don't know when it's coming or where it's going or even when it's going to develop.

One thing that bothers me right now is the obsession with the Royal wedding. Long after the wedding is over, people in the south will still be devastated but I bet lots of people can tell you about the bride's gown. Don't get me wrong in any way when I say that I think it's a beautiful thing for two people to be in love and even more of a beautiful thing when you believe in the monarchy. Let us not forget the reasons we exist as The United States of America. We were founded on not just pilgrims seeking religious freedoms but also independence. Independence from being ruled by a monarchy. Our nation was founded on one of the main fundamental statements ever made historically. A statement that is part of our Constitution.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed;

Let's think about that. All men are created equal...endowed by their Creator...etc. America's independence was more than about religious freedom. It was about understanding as a nation, we wouldn't have to worry about the 'Divine Right of Kings'. As all men are created equal. Kings are not the hand of God.

With that being said, as an American I will not forget that all men are created equal. We can lose our homes, families and lives just as easily as the next person when there is a natural disaster. Let us not forget the tragic stories of victims with more to come.

The one victim that was pulled from the pile of wood that was her home and walked down the street only to be asked for help by a little boy. A little boy that asked her to sit with his brother and him. A little boy that didn't know his brother was laying there already dead. Let us not forget the couple that was traveling down the highway and saw a tornado develop only to turn around and try to get away. After turning around, another tornado formed in front of them and the wife got down as low as she could but her husband was driving and couldn't get out of the way. She had to pull a board out of his head and just hold him while he died waiting on help to come. These are true stories. Tragic stories.

But wait...let's gorge ourselves on over publicized 'royal wedding issues' that have not one thing to do with America.

Let us not forget only a few of the victims as not all are accounted for at this time.

Franklin County:

Donald Heaps, 57, Phil Campbell

Martha Pace, Phil Campbell

Edna Lucille Nix, Phil Campbell

Kelli Thorn Morgan, 24, East Franklin

Michael Morgan, 32, East Franklin

Claudia Mojica Palucios, Phil Campbell

Edgar Molica, 8, Phil Campbell

Ricky Knox, 10, Phil Campbell

Terri Waller, Phil Campbell

Carroll Dean “C.D.” Waller, Phil Campbell

Nila Black, 68, Phil Campbell

Zan Reese Black, 46, Phil Campbell

Sonya Black Trapp, 48, Phil Campbell

Charlene Crochet, Phil Campbell

Jay Leclere, Phil Campbell

Amy Leclere, Phil Campbell

James Robert Keller Jr., Phil Campbell

Don Gentry, Phil Campbell

Patricia Gentry, Phil Campbell

Donna Berry, Phil Campbell

Jack Cox, Phil Campbell

Georgia Scribner, 83, Phil Campbell

Lawrence County:

Donald Ray, 76, Chaleybeate

Lyndon Mayes, 74, Chaleybeate

Zora Lee Hale, 80, Chaleybeate

Aurelia Guzman, 12, Langtown

O'Neal Terry, Mt. Moriah

Allen Terry, Mt. Moriah

Matthew Adams, 21, Mount Hope

J.D. Parker, 70, Mount Hope

Horace Smith, Mount Hope

Helen Smith, Mount Hope

Edward Vuknic, Chaleybeate

Mary Mayes, 72, Chaleyvbeate

Mike Dunn, 58, Chaleybeate

Marion County:

Linda Faye Knight, 57, Phil Campbell

Rodney Ables, Hackleburg

Jeanette Widemon, Hamilton

Jacob Ray, Hamilton

Saturday, January 8, 2011

He11o 2011

This year's word is realization.

2010...what a year! The end of it marked the end of several things for me. The relationships I've lost, all though disheartening, are for the best. The goals I didn't reach are not left behind. In fact, there's more in store this year than ever before. My baby girl graduates from high school. I'm embarking on a new career. I've removed myself from several negative influences and life is good. In fact, it's great most of the time.

I've come to realize not everyone in life is happy. I'm not always happy. However, it's how you handle what is handed to you that makes a difference. Sometimes you have to agree to disagree and move on. Sometimes you have to speak up on what you feel is right and wrong. Yet, sometimes the people you speak to about this makes it clear it really doesn't matter to them. So, you agree to disagree and well, move on.

They say hind sight is 20/20 and I have to agree. Looking back, the relationships both professional and personal should have long been over. At times, I am a little "Pollyanna" in my thinking. I always hope for the best and look for the good in situations while knowing all the while what the outcome will be. I'm known as to be one that 'keeps it real'. However, after careful review, I've come to realize that keeping it real from a third party point of view is easier than keeping it real first person. Should it considered a weakness of mine, so be it. I'll own it because I know that's one of the only weaknesses I may have.

So, with that, I'm not going to make any "New Year's Resolutions". I'm making a new year full of realizations.

Happy new year everyone! May you have one full of realization.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

See, what happened was...

It all started when I was invited to a Jimmy Buffett concert in Gulf Shores, AL by a good friend of mine. Little did I know it would turn into an experience made for a movie. I say that because if it was a 'reality' TV show, people would have thought I made it up. Why would this picture show me in New Orleans with the Mounted Patrol horse drinking my Long Island Iced Tea? Funny you should ask...

See, what happened was thanks to my part time job I can get pretty good discounts on lots of things. This includes hotels. We figured, it would only be a few hours to drive to New Orleans and we got an awesome room at an awesome price, so why not? I figured the way I see it, I work a full time job and a part time job. All work and no play makes Teresa a bitch. After my little sister visited for a few days, we got up Saturday morning packed up, boarded Rocko and headed out. Here's a run down of my personal drama and know that it was only TWO and a half days long. Yes...all of this happened in TWO and a half days.


We all pick our battles and I gave in to this one. No need to fight when you are confined to a vehicle for 10 hours. Lambert's is a restaurant in Foley, AL. Well out of our way since we were going to New Orleans but it was a MUST according to the 3 out of 4 people in my family. They wouldn't know about Lambert's if it wasn't for the Travel Channel listing it as the #1 place to pig out. Being in Foley, we were only like 20 minutes away from my good friend in Gulf Shores but alas, after having rolls (YES like as in bread) thrown at us and gorging on the most unhealthy food anyone can eat, we continued on to New Orleans.

The Storm
Once we got back on to I-10 west bound, a storm came and I was driving. I swear I drove through a tornado. EVERYONE had to pull over because no one could see thanks to the massive swirling down pour of rain and lightning strikes.

New Orleans
For some reason, I missed my exit for the hotel. I had a wonderful non-exit missing trip the entire time. I ended up having to drive through New Orleans and not the parts you want to visit. That's when I heard some loud music. I was stopped at a traffic light and look in my side mirror. I was confused because it was a black school bus. As it pulled up the doors opened and this guy in a thong started gyrating his hips to the beat as the strobe lights in the bus flashed. It was the most awesome thing I had seen on the trip so far. To hell with throwing rolls at me. I almost threw some money at him.

We got to the hotel and valet parked because I wasn't even about to take stuff out of the van and went to our room. After relaxing for a bit, we (as in my husband and I) decided to walk the French Quarter obviously spending time on Bourbon St. We walked over to Harrah's Casino because it was in the direction we were going and only two blocks away.

Harrah's Casino
I walked in and gave them some money. They teased me and gave some back. I gave them back some money and this went back and forth. Broke even and got the hell out.

Bourbon Street
Awesome, awesome, awesome. Did I say awesome? If not, just know it is awesome! We had a great time and I let go of my anger of the roll throwing tornado driving good times we had on the way down. New Orleans is wonderful. After having a great time we were on the way back to the hotel and met some interesting people. One was a lady passing out free beer. Why? It was her birthday. She was even giving it to people passed out in doorways. She walked with us for a while talking about Chicago and a man walked by and joined our group. He took some beer and gave us his story too. He had just been released from prison the week before. He was locked up for 13 years. Now, we didn't ask what he did but the drunk lady said, "Man, what ever you did, don't do it again!" He said, "No way! I ain't going back. I miss looking at a lady and having my freedom." It was good times.

Who Dat?
I have often wondered why the New Orleans Saints would want to yell, "Who Dat?". Were they trying to be ghetto? It seems they weren't trying too hard if you were near the projects. That's where I ended up when we went to visit a cemetery. Walking about a block away, I heard a woman in a house coat, sitting on an upside down milk crate on her porch (for real in the the hurricane didn't knocked that down, I'll never know). She yells, 'WHO DAT? OH HELL! DAT'S JUST RALPH AND HIS TRIFLING ASS ALWAYS TRYING TO START SHIT.'

Biloxi, MS
We stopped at a beach and enjoyed the beautiful beaches and tar balls. This was after the van pretty much stopped running for the second time. The code given was saying the MAP SENSOR was bad. I said, "There must be a reason for this. I'm going with the flow but what would cause 2 MAP sensors to go bad on one trip? What is it hooked up to?" (I know, give me a break. I don't know crap about this kind of stuff). This added about 2+ hours to our travel time making us later and later to Gulf Shores.

Mobile, AL
This is where we wanted to stop and take the kids to the USS Alabama. Due to time restraints, see above, we continued on.

Gulf Shores, AL
We made it! We made it very late but we made it. My friends were nice enough to leave a door unlocked with our tickets inside. We rushed to catch a shuttle and had to walk over a mile just to hear the last 2-3 songs of the Jimmy Buffett concert and they had stopped letting people in. I was drinking and texting and tripped on the sidewalk and jacked my knee up. The good part...I saw an alligator with creepy yellow eyes. We met up with my friends and went back to their place, jumped in the pool and relaxed. This was only after we made an attempt to get some 'local' pizza and missed it by their closing time by 5 minutes. After the pool, we decided on Pizza Hut. They didn't answer the phone so the guys drove down and guess what...they were like 5 minutes too late. They were closed. Domino's it was and at that point it was the best pizza I had ever eaten. Amy and I decided to go to Orange Beach even though it was dark but it was nice to get away from my family for a little while. We left out the next morning.

DAY TWO & 1/2

Interstate driving...
Once we were back on the interstate, the van had no more problems. It was a good trip home until we got into metro Atlanta. There was a huge storm we went through and just when the sun came out and we were close to home...

It was something about contaminated gas clogging up the catalytic converter and gas going into the exhaust system etc then back up pressure on the engine. It may possibly explain why we had the MAP sensor issues. It seems that when this happens, your vehicle fills full of smoke, your kids choke and you get the the side of the road and jump out. At least, that's what we did.

Then you become that 'stalled/possible vehicle fire on north bound on 400 at Abernathy causing delays'. That's what you don't want to hear. Thanks news helicopter for flying over and within minutes we had a 'HERO' truck come assist. The rest is tow truck and Midas history.

Yep, the rest is history including my good friend that helped us out by picking us up and meeting up with the tow truck.

Get this...I still went to work. I was 3 hours late but I went. I had to drive my husband's car. That says a lot about my work ethic...right?

Friday, April 2, 2010

Just Plain Crazy

With Easter upon us, I reflect on memories from my childhood as most do during special holidays. It all started this morning when I woke up at 6:00 a.m. after staying up until 2:00 a.m. I found myself slapping the snooze button and then I realized...I fell asleep with my hair wet, wrapped in a towel. At 6:30 I finally got up and walked into the bathroom to begin the process of my daily routine.

I flipped the light switch, squinted my eyes as I went blind only to open them to a horrific sight. I looked like a white Don King.

I brushed my teeth, washed my face and looked again. It was truly an eye opener. The added bonus was the wrinkled towel print on my face from where I obviously slept face down for a long time but I digress. As my day went on I realized a few things. I take that back. I decided to accept a few things. After going to lunch with two of my co-workers/friends, we had a detailed conversation that I'm sure intrigued the guy that sat next to us. It was about religion and would have been very offensive to most people. Ben, who is a Southern baptist, Wendy who is Catholic and myself who was brought up in a baptist church but often visited with the Church of the Nazarene as that was the church my father was raised in. The discussion began as Wendy was speaking about her son's friend and we thought, "That's a neat name". I went on to say that what ever you name your kids marks your kids for the rest of your life. My daughter is laid back and cool just like her first and middle name. My son, well he has no choice but to be serious and responsible as his name is Elijah. I mean, he was named after a prophet. A prophet that brought fire from the sky and raised the dead. Bless his heart. The discussion rolled into the subject of food and we decided...what a friend we have in cheeses. Then we were like Cheeses Christ!

We were having cheeseburgers so it should have been okay, because cheeses saves, right?

Back to the Easter issue. Wendy said we should have went to her place of worship during our lunch break. I was like...but you are Catholic. Ben swore he wouldn't have damnation inflicted upon him for going to a Catholic church. I told them both it was a middle management issue with Mary being the middle manager. Wendy tells Ben that Mary is going to kick his ass and I declare 'Thank God I'm Jewish'. The thing is, I'm not Jewish. So we laughed and continued on just as the guy next to us continued to listen to our conversation.

I went back to work after several antics and shenanigans and was offered a cupcake. It was an Easter cupcake. You can see the picture I've posted as that is the official cupcake that disturbed me. You see, I think it's more like a mini-grave for a clown. How can someone have such a sacred object of faith like a cross along with the Easter Lily on top of a festive pink icing and confetti styled cupcake? The commercialization of Easter, just like Christmas has gone beyond it's intended purposes. I understand the 'traditional' part of the fun. Think about it, Jesus didn't have Santa Claus or an Easter bunny so if you get down to the basics a lot of it has to do with the market value of non-Christian items (i.e. Easter baskets, chocolate bunnies, stockings, Christmas trees...etc).

I'm not going to lie, I ate pretty much all of the cupcake and saved the cross but damn...use an Easter Bunny next time Publix.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Stupid Should Hurt or be Taxed

I read somewhere that the internet doesn't make you stupid, it just makes your stupidity more accessible to others. As true as that statement is, I must say that experiencing first hand stupidity on a daily basis doesn't give me the option of closing out the page as if I was on line looking at a website. Some of the things I witness and endure are down right painful at times. Why am I the one that has to suffer from others stupidity? I suffer enough from my own...damn. With that being said, I can firmly say that stupid should hurt or be taxed. Anytime I've done something stupid, I've injured myself or cost myself money.

According to some brief research I have done, based on the current United States debt, it breaks down to almost $40,000 per citizen at an estimated overall cost of $12,000,000,000,000+ and growing by the minute. Now I think about it, stupid should NOT hurt. That would send people to the ER and they wouldn't have insurance or money thus costing all of us more in the end.

I say let's tax stupidity. Some people's stupid nature can resolve our national debit in a few months.

There seems to be a whole different kind of stupid out there that's scary more than anything. There are many times I find myself wanting to blurt out to people, "Are you fucking stupid?" Instead, being the ever so sweet Southern Belle that I am, I do refrain from such episodes of hostility. Well, at least I don't do it face to face in a public forum. Let me review some of the waste of time stupid things I alone have to deal with on a daily basis. I'm going to be nice and not list my husband on this because if he reads it, well, that would have just been stupid on my behalf and I'll leave it at that.

By way of background, I work two jobs in addition to being married and having two children. My full time job, as demanding as it is, is truly a test in patience. I work for a large orthopedic group and I handle coordinating workers compensation patients...etc. I deal with insurance companies, attorneys, injured patients and anyone else that wants to call me and say things like, "I had surgery two days ago and I'm constipated. What should I do?" So, being nice I say,"Was the surgery a result of a work related injury? It wasn't? Let me transfer you over to the medical assistant so they can help you."

What I really want to say is, "How is your post operative constipation related to a work related injury? While you were on hold for me did you not LISTEN to the prompts and understand that you were going to talk to the workers compensation coordinator? I understand your frustration as obviously the constipation has affected your hearing but you are wasting not just my time but anyone else that may be trying to call me. I would also appreciate if you listened closely to the prompts the next time and when I'm nice to you and inform you I'm unable to medically advise you on your backed up plumbing and that you should speak to a medical assistant, do not give a long angry sigh. That gets you nowhere but maybe on hold a little longer. I guess you've been holding it enough lately anyway so it shouldn't matter. So, don't be a douche bag, okay?"

Some of these people who are injured have me scratching my head sometimes. I sometimes find myself saying..."Wait, you did what????" I mean, I've had some people tell me stories that are freaking crazy about how they were injured. Getting beat up by a kangaroo, falling into an open grave before a service, being stuck by an embalming needle, on a K-9 police chase on foot and falling into a hole in the woods but the dog kept going...the list goes on and on.

Enough about that...on to the second job which is part time, RETAIL.
Not just retail but the largest retailer in the world. I'm sure you can figure it out. Regardless of if I'm working the service desk or a register, I'm as pleasant as I can be. This is a job that's more therapeutic for me than anything. I have fun and work off stress at the same time. I just want to list a few things from my stand point I think the common customer should know about Wal*Mart employees.

1. I probably make more money than you. It's true. I'm not saying this goes for all WM employees but I'm paid very well for what I do considering...

2. Not unlike myself, many people have what's referred to as 'real time' jobs. You know, full time jobs and work at WM part time or they go to school full time.

3. We think it's funny that customers 'hate shopping at WM' and keep coming back over and over.

4. I like to see snotty women with their LV handbags pull out 5 different declined credit cards to try and buy $200 worth of items. Seriously? Out of all of your credit cards, you don't even have $200 worth of credit but you have a Louis Vuitton bag? Oh, thanks lady! You just caused my line to back up and now there are pissed off people headed my way.

5. Don't get an attitude with me because you don't have a receipt and want something credited back to your card. You know the card you can't remember to bring with you and you don't know what day you purchased the item because you don't have your receipt.

6. Don't come to the service desk and be pissed you have to wait. You knew you were going to have to wait before you even walked in the door. Some transactions are smoother than others. It's been my experience that at least 90% of the time it's the customer in front of you that's the problem not the employee. If you have something to say, grow a pair and say it to them.

7. I love seeing my parking lot full when I come to work. Know why? Bonuses baby. Yes I get them every quarter, even as a part time employee. Guess what...I spend some of my paycheck buying stock out of every check.

8. To all of the regular customers that always thought they were all that and so much better than the average person and now have lost their homes and jobs and ask me if we are hiring...the answer is GET IN LINE.

9. I'm easy to get along with. I'm the one you want to see at the service desk. I'm the one you want to be checked out by. Just know, I can only help the next person as soon as the one in front of you gets the hell out of the way.

10. Don't stand there and be surprised when I inform you that you have to pay. Now I have to wait on you to dig around and find money...great. Look behind you stupid. Do you see all of those people waiting on YOU not ME?

Oh yeah, get your shit and leave. Don't stand around straightening up your wallet and piss ass around about getting your bags.

Also, when it comes to self check out...if you can't do it, don't bother. It's called SELF CHECK OUT. The machine will tell you what to do if you don't know. Don't talk to the machine because it doesn't give a damn about what you have to say nor do I. Don't get pissed because your kid is sitting where you should be bagging things and it causes the machine to alert the attendant. Have some common sense about it. Don't come try to check yourself out and think I'm picking up that TV stand that needs assembling to help you scan it. Don't come through and try to buy two carts full of items and get pissed it took so long. Remember...'self check out'. I'm monitoring four check outs and I don't have time to babysit stupid people.

Friday, January 22, 2010

What the Hell is Wrong with Some Women?

These are my personal views on this current situation. It's also my personal views on marriage, infidelity and so on...I judge no one for the choices they make.

Each and everyone of us have live with the choices we make no matter how minor in the overall scheme of things(such as what brand of tires to buy) to taking responsibility for our actions when it comes to relationship failures.

Really? Seriously? When I read the article about the woman that had an 8 1/2 year affair with a married man and then paid for billboards to be posted in major cities, I thought to myself, "What an idiot!"

How can you basically spend 8 1/2 years of your life with a married family man and then get pissed because he won't be with you? Let me get real for a minute on this...agree or disagree with me but facts are facts.

1. He was married when you started this thing!

2. He's what, 50? She's in her early 40's and wasted prime time for this guy.

3. The mistress is just stupid for posting billboards.

4. It's said she's spent about $250,000 on these billboards ($50,000 each)

5. I want to put a billboard up saying "Hey lady! He's not leaving his wife for you or he would have already. Get real and get a life! Even if he does leave her and gets with you, guess what? She's always going to be in the picture one way or another.
P.S. You are a dumb ass.

People have marital affairs. It's a fact. After almost a decade she should have gotten the picture if they were 'soul mates' as suggested on the billboards that he would have left his wife at some point. At least he admitted his affair in a public forum and was trying to be respectful enough to say that he did have the 8 1/2 year affair and it ended and they 'wished each other well'.

Not so much from what I see.

A jilted lover, yes but it's a different ballgame with you are a psychotic bitch.

She must have not thought about the repercussions of her actions or she'd never done this. I can see if she was lead to believe they'd have a future and that's one thing but after that long, she should have gotten the hint.

Some crazy psychotic women that can't get past things such as previous ex's of their current men..etc. Women need to get a grip and take control of their lives.

As a woman I can say the following:

1. You are the only person that can make yourself happy.
2. Don't depend on another person for your happiness.
3. For heaven's sake...DON'T get involved with a married man and then get mad if he doesn't leave his wife!
4. You know what they say about...why buy the cow when the milk is free
5. Where do you think that married man sleeps at night when he's not with you?
6. For the love of everything holy! If you decide you found your soul mate, put some sort of time limit on it! You know, if he doesn't divorce in the next X amount of time, I'm out of this relationship.

Then there is the trust issue. I know there are relationships that started as marital affairs that have lasted the test of time.

I don't know of any but I'm sure it's happened.

It'd play out like this:
Man: "Honey, I'm going to the store."

Woman: "Okay"

Five minutes later...

Woman: "I called your cell a minute ago and you didn't answer. Just thought I'd leave a message for you. Call me."

Fast hour later

Woman: "I've called you 27 times consecutively and you aren't answering! I know you are with HER! Why haven't you returned my calls? Are you too busy with someone else? Is it that chick from accounting with the short skirts? It must be the ex-wife playing the 'come see the kid' card. *blah blah blah blah*

Man: "Hey, I saw where you called but didn't listen to your messages yet. Are you okay? I didn't have a signal in the store for some reason..."

Woman: (thinks to herself..."I'm an idiot but do I believe he was so called in the store or do I let it go?")

It's a no win situation. After that long a woman would be an idiot to trust that man. We all have to do what we need to do to be happy. Life is too short to be miserable. After 8 1/2 years you would think she'd get the picture.

I did some research on infidelity and the different types. Here's what I found out:

Opportunistic Infidelity:

This type of infidelity occurs when a partner is in love and attached to a spouse, but succumbs to their sexual desire for someone else. Typically, this type of cheating is driven by situational circumstances or opportunity, risk-taking behavior, and alcohol or drug use. The more in love a person is with their spouse, the more guilt he/she will experience as a result of their sexual encounter. However, feelings of guilt tend to fade as the fear of being caught subsides.

Obligatory Infidelity:

This type of infidelity is based on fear. Fear that resisting someone's sexual advances will result in rejection. People may have feelings of sexual desire, love and attachment for a spouse, but still end up cheating because they have a strong need for approval. In addition, their need for approval can cause them to act in ways that are at odds with their other feelings. In other words, some people cheat, not because they want to cheat, but because they need the approval that comes along with a having the attention of others.

Romantic Infidelity:

This type of infidelity occurs when the cheater has very little emotional attachment to his/her spouse. They may be committed to their marriage and making it work but they long for an intimate, loving connection with a member of the opposite sex. More than likely their commitment to the marriage will prevent them from ever leaving their spouse. Romantic infidelity means pain for the other man/other woman and the cheating spouse.

Rarely does it turn into a long-term, committed relationship. Marital problems have to be quite severe before a spouse will leave the marriage for another person.<-big tip right here

Conflicted Romantic Infidelity:

This type of infidelity occurs when people experience genuine love and sexual desire for more than one person at a time. Despite our idealistic notions of having only one true love, it is possible to experience intense romantic love for multiple people at the same time. While such situations are emotionally possible, they are very complicated and tend to create a lot of anxiety and stress. In this case, cheating spouses, in their attempt not to cause anyone harm, often end up hurting everyone.

Commemorative Infidelity:

This type of infidelity occurs when people are in a committed relationship, but have no feelings for that person. There is no sexual desire, or love or attachment, only a sense of commitment keeps a couple together. These people justify cheating by telling themselves they have the right to look for what they are not getting in their present relationship.

It is important, for the sake of appearances that the present relationship last. The cheater does not want to be viewed as a failure so they stay in an unhappy relationship and seek to fulfill their needs outside the relationship.

That last one is just a damn shame because I know people that's been through it. It's a sad overwhelming place to be in emotionally and I've been a shoulder to cry on for a few of my close friends several times. There is nothing worse than loving someone that does not give that love back to you. People don't want to give up on a relationship they have spent their heart and soul on and yet people change. It may not be you but the other party that changes.

The bottom line is that once it's over, it's over. So don't be some damn clingy. It's very unbecoming.

He may come home to a rabbit cooking in a pot on the stove. I'm just saying...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I'm just saying...

Dang, I meant to blog more when I started this.

However, with Thanksgiving upon us, I wanted to blog a little (AKA a lot).

Anyone that knows me well, they know I like to 'take the floor' so to speak. In other words, if I like you and talk to you, I kind of feel bad for you at times because I do know some of my faults. One of which being a non-stop talker. The weird thing for most people is once a conversation starts, it leads to another and so on. About 5 hours later it will end with 'okay, talk to you soon!'.

I walk away knowing that person really does not want to talk to me soon because they talked to me for more time in one sitting than some people do in a year to each other. It's not that they dislike me, it's that they are overwhelmed by me. I know this to be true. I can take a simple conversation about the weather and next thing you know it turns in to quantum physics or ninja's verses pirates and who would win if there was a battle. (But hey, that comes with the package -aka- crazy talk and all).

I've recently found so many old friends on Facebook! It's pretty awesome. I'm not going to say I'm 'obsessed' with Farmville or Mafia Wars on Facebook but some people in my home may disagree. Of course those (or that) person is the one that just spent $35 for an OVERNIGHT delivery of a bulb that cost just under $90 for the 57 inch HD 1080P television he just HAD to have...for video games. (It was an investment for the family you know!) I'm not going to lie, I do enjoy playing Rock Band, which is dang near an obsession with our family but a family that plays together, stays together. I could go into how we have the entire set up, RB1, RB2, The Beatles and now Lego Rock Band. We also have a 'throne' for the drum kit, several sets of sticks, so many guitars we have a guitar stand and I have a mic stand with a drink holder. We do have the stage kit..fog, lights, strobe...all in sync with the songs you are playing...but we are not obsessed. :)

Since it's been a while since I have blogged most all of you know about my accident in July. I did become and still am to an extent obsessed with the fact that I could have died and was lucky enough to stumble away from a head on collision where I was going 40-45 and the guy that hit me was probably going about 40. I had some pretty nasty injuries including a separated AC joint and herniated diaphragm, etc but I lived thanks to being knocked crazy by an airbag and saved by my seat belt. (By crazy, I mean I was non-stop crazy talking and was mad I couldn't remember my birthday or anything else). The EMT's were talking to me and once I was in the ambulance they were saying Jennifer and that's when I said, "Hey, my name's not Jennifer!". They were all...'ummm, that's what you said'. It was at that time a cop came up after finding my purse and he had my ID so they knew my name. It was crazy I tell you!

I have a bad habit of saying, "I'm just saying..." It's bad when a co-worker says she's going to have that put on a t-shirt and on the back put 'It's a Bama thing'. The bad part is that she's Canadian. Weird, eh? (Note the use of my 'eh' as Canadians like that as much as hockey and maple syrup)

Of course, there are the other obsessions. Like the ones based on insecurities but I'll save that for another day. I'm not a poker player but I can put on a poker face all the while I'm holding my cards close to me...(i.e. cards being things you never wanted anyone to know about you including...well, I'll keep it at that for now).

I'm just saying...

I'm really proud of who I am and how I've developed myself over the past years.

I'm happy to say that I've worked hard to be where I'm at, even if it's on a path I never thought I'd be on.

I never was one of those obsessed females that had a goal of getting married and having kids. I never had the 'white picket' fence goal. I know I never wanted to be the stay at home mom. I never even wanted or considered having kids. When I thought about my future it was a military and then solitary non-committed life.

I think it's fantastic to those who can and do it but I also know it's not for everyone.

Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you...

I'm thankful that I live where I do.

I'm thankful to have healthy, well rounded, not influenced by anyone or anything, independent children.

I'm thankful for the suffering in my life. With out it, how would I appreciate what I have?

I'm thankful that I work hard to be on the road to victory and nirvana. I know I have dealt with suffering and there will be more to come but how can you live a life of failure and blaming others for faults?

As much as I think about divorce due to religious issues (i.e. my husband thinking he's God)...I'm thankful that he's there to do all of the stuff I don't have to do. (Like order bulbs for the TV, reach the things I can't, be a good father, change the oil...etc)

Not that I can't do it but...I'm just saying...

To be angry is to let others' mistakes punish yourself.
To forgive others is to be good to yourself.
-Master ChengYen

Thursday, June 4, 2009

R.I.P. Blackie & Brownie

So, a few years back, my husband and I decided we should get the kids a 'starter' pet. Well, after checking out things and researching animals we decided on a gerbil. (AS IN CHECKING OUT...IT WAS MORE ROBBY THAN ME BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE RATS)

They didn't eat a lot, wouldn't keep anyone awake with squeaky wheels to play in at night. So...two hundred dollars later...This was due to the fact that we had to buy two because they were 'social' animals.(Gerbils only cost about $14) They were both sisters. One was black, one was brown. That would explain the names (per my children as I wanted to name them Laverne and Shirley). As you can see from the picture, Blackie is on top and Browning is hanging out on the bottom. It seems gerbils CHEW UP plastic. Feel free to click on the pic...hopefully, it will show you that MOST of my 'formal' dinning room was for rodents.

We spent extra on a glass aquarium and THEN my ever so loving husband decided they needed an addition and bought this add on for the top that had stairs for the gerbils to climb up and have more fun.

So, we had a glass bottom and a metal addition for the gerbils but I know the top part cost around $60-$70.00. Anyway, add in food, bedding, toys, things they constantly chew up and the cost grows. It was my understanding these rat like things would only live for about 2 years. Not that I want my kids to be sad an animal died but...they were RATS to me.

We bought one of those clear balls that the gerbils could crawl around in on the floor because it was funny. What was NOT funny was when someone in the family would sneak behind me while watching TV and putting one of those gerbils on my shoulder or in my hair. They had LONG TAILS and rat features. Seriously.

Blackie and Brownie were supposed to live for about 2 years per the pet store. They lived longer. Blackie was the mean one. Brownie was nicer.

One time my daughter took Blackie out to play and did the whole baby talk know: "Whose a good gerbil, Blackie is a good gerbil, yes she is..."

Then it bit her on the nose and would not let go. It clamped on the tip of her nose. She had bilateral teeth marks on the upper and lower part of her nose for a few days. Of course, she screamed "BLACKIE IS ON MY NOSE". Being concerned parents, we did the "are you bleeding" thing...seems she was so we assisted. Blackie hung off of her nose. I mean, what are you going to do?

Well, the time came when the nicer gerbil died. I've always heard that the meaner you are the longer you live but with Brownie's death came heartache and an undertaker that concerned me. When Brownie was found dead...well the EVIL Blackie ate HALF of her head off. How gross is that? My husband called me at work and I told him to get rid of it but NO. HE BECAME THE UNDERTAKER OF GERBILS.

"What if the kids want to say goodbye?" So, he arranged Brownie on a cloth where her HALF eaten head would not show so when the kids came home they would be able to say goodbye. What the hell is that about? Bury it, flush it but to arrange a viewing, I may be cold hearted but DAMN!

So, I was at work and they had the 'funeral' which I swear killed my hydrangea bush because Brownie was buried near it. Of course, I was blamed because I didn't 'trim' the bush at the proper time for it to bloom. Whatever. I DON'T LANDSCAPE. That's just the bottom line.

For the LOVE of G-d...half of Brownie's head was missing and he arranged this dead rat so you couldn't see it. I guess it's good if you are in to that kind of thing...but not me.

I would LOVE to work in a funeral home. Many people who know me are aware of that. Gerbils...not so much.

Well, the time for Blackie to pass away came this week. I was a bad day already for me. I called home and was informed that Blackie died. I was some what non- complacent about it...however...I knew the funeral was on it's way. Before I took the kids to school, Blackie was alive. Later in the day she died.............

Her cold dead body was clenched on to the upper part of the home they lived in. That would mean her gerbil teeth were attached to the wires of the 'upstairs' part. I knew another funeral was going to happen. When Robby found it, it was already cold and he had to PRY the gerbil's mouth open to get it loose.


I mean, maybe I'm cold hearted but still. SERIOUSLY a funeral with a 'casket' and burial. The last straw for me was the tombstone.


If I ever move from this house and these rat skeletons are dug up and taken with us, someone will be committed.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

What Not to Do

The past few weeks have taught me some valuable lessons. First and foremost to wear my seat belt. I've received two tickets for something that I always try to make a point and do. The first ticket came when I was speeding through a school zone while the lights were flashing. There was a 'speed trap' set up at the bottom of a hill and well...I was flagged down and pulled over. At the time, I was unsure of why. He gave me the "Do you know why I pulled you over?" I seriously didn't know. I think the officer felt pity for my obvious ignorance at the time and told me I was going 43 in a 25 mile per hour school zone. I was willing to take my ticket because I was in the wrong. All I could think about at that point was "My husband will never let me live this one down and I wonder what this will cost?" The officer walked back up and gave me my ticket explaining to me that he would only give me a warning this time for speeding but because I was not wearing a seat belt he was going to have to cite me for that. I willing signed my name and told him thank you and have a good day. A $15 ticket that does not count on your driving record is a-okay with me!

Well, after that I made a point to always buckle up...that is until this past Friday. I 'rolled' through a stop sign that everyone else does in a neighborhood near my son's school. Guess what? A motorcycle cop was there. He got on his bike and pulled me over totally freaking the kids out. I told them to watch that this was a valuable lesson in what NOT to do as a responsible driver. The officer approached my vehicle as I watched 8 other people roll through that sign in my rear view mirror and asked me the famous, "Do you know why I pulled you over?" I said, 'Well..' He said, "Because you rolled through that stop sign. I was going to let you by with that but I noticed you did not have a seat belt on." He took my license came back with my ticket, which I signed happily as he said, "I'm only citing for the seat belt this time". Oh, yeah baby! $15 verses a traffic violation on my record. Once again, luck was somewhat on my side. I have a feeling I won't be so lucky next time. I was in the wrong on both occasions. I was willing to take my tickets that I so deserved.

I put on twitter that I was pretty much once again a violator. My husband called me at work no less than an hour later and asked me about the ticket. I said, "Oh, you must to have seen my status on twitter." He said, "No, I had to go pick your son up at school because he was sick." Now, I'm not saying he was sick because of me getting pulled over...but I do feel bad about it.

I've made a list of 'What not to do' I can add more, trust me!

What not to do

Feed the animals at the zoo

Speed in a school zone

Not wear a seat belt

Roll through a stop sign

Drink whiskey after tequila

Date a friend’s ex (or no one I know should date my ex’s)

Run over pedestrians that walk slow going into Wal-Mart

Be rude to your server in a restaurant

Take drugs (unless your doctor prescribes them)

Drink and drive

Come out of Peachtree Station in downtown Atlanta and turn the wrong way while walking at night

Drink and drink on vacation and then walk Key West in the July sun (yes, I should have went to the hospital dear)

Put off car maintenance

Go to bed angry

Get jealous over anyone or anything

Let your kids think you don't love them

Let your spouse think you don't love them (even if you have a ‘special’ way of showing it)


Send a text to the wrong person

Send an email to the wrong person

Send an angry email

Help a family member if you have the ability

Help a friend of you have the ability

Forget about the REAL you

Put off buying gas because you ‘can go a few more miles’

Sunday, April 19, 2009

What's your addiction?

What's your addiction? Most people may pause at such a question. It may be because you aren't aware you have an addiction or you could be offended I asked. It is somewhat of a personal question. I have lots of vices. Most who are honest with who they are can name a few of their own.

I don't pass judgement on anyone for their addictions. I may question why and how but it's not for me look down on someone because they have issues. I'm addicted to wasting my time for one. I love my family, work hard and love life but waste time. I find ways to waste time. Facebook, blogging, text messages, knowing all along my time is better spent doing something useful like cleaning out my closet. What fun is cleaning out a closet? If I was addicted to closet cleaning, I guess it would be fun.

Oh, I take lots of pictures too. You'll see lots of pictures I've taken on here. I have so many good friends and a lot of family with addictions. Of course, I'm not naming any names but I know at least two sex addicts who would probably admit to it, alcoholics, shoppers, Facebookers, bloggers, drug seekers, pot heads, time wasters, hand washers, people 'fixers'; but I digress.

I don't believe in justifying anything that feels wrong. I clearly can't justify wasting my time. I guess all I can do is admit my addictions. Now, my addictions can't be misconstrued for my obsessions. That's another blog entirely.
With that being said, I guess I'll get started on the road to recovery by saying:

My name is Teresa and I'm a time waster, Facebook user, blogging, text sending, picture taking, Rock Band player that drinks twice a week and really wants to smoke a Marlboro Light 100 sometimes but doesn't. I'm just not a real smoker I guess.