Sunday, April 19, 2009

What's your addiction?

What's your addiction? Most people may pause at such a question. It may be because you aren't aware you have an addiction or you could be offended I asked. It is somewhat of a personal question. I have lots of vices. Most who are honest with who they are can name a few of their own.

I don't pass judgement on anyone for their addictions. I may question why and how but it's not for me look down on someone because they have issues. I'm addicted to wasting my time for one. I love my family, work hard and love life but waste time. I find ways to waste time. Facebook, blogging, text messages, knowing all along my time is better spent doing something useful like cleaning out my closet. What fun is cleaning out a closet? If I was addicted to closet cleaning, I guess it would be fun.

Oh, I take lots of pictures too. You'll see lots of pictures I've taken on here. I have so many good friends and a lot of family with addictions. Of course, I'm not naming any names but I know at least two sex addicts who would probably admit to it, alcoholics, shoppers, Facebookers, bloggers, drug seekers, pot heads, time wasters, hand washers, people 'fixers'; but I digress.

I don't believe in justifying anything that feels wrong. I clearly can't justify wasting my time. I guess all I can do is admit my addictions. Now, my addictions can't be misconstrued for my obsessions. That's another blog entirely.
With that being said, I guess I'll get started on the road to recovery by saying:

My name is Teresa and I'm a time waster, Facebook user, blogging, text sending, picture taking, Rock Band player that drinks twice a week and really wants to smoke a Marlboro Light 100 sometimes but doesn't. I'm just not a real smoker I guess.