Saturday, March 10, 2012

I can laugh at myself. I give you permission to laugh at me also.

Damn, another blog so soon.  I'm on a roll!

Life is good.  My family is happy.  If they aren't, I bet they won't say it to my face.  Just being real folks but I'm pretty sure they have no complaints...

I don't want to complain.  But then I open my mouth and speak.  I've been focusing more positive energy on crocheting lately.  I can work the yarn and see what I've produced.  It's better than watching television to pass the time.  My creations have often left something to be desired.  Just like the horse shoe scarf.

It's not what I expected in the end but I had a good time making it and learned a valuable lesson.  Counting is a must when it comes to crochet.  My daughter suggested I use if for public toilets.  I suggested she shut up.  All is well that ends well. 

Then the idea to make a flower came to me.  Not just a flower but a pot holder with a flower.  Completely useless.  I did learn a lot when I made it.  I learned that I really need to work on my crochet. 

I eventually got better after practice, practice, practice and made a HUGE blanket.  I was working on it at Christmas.  I had taken the part I worked on to Alabama to show my grandmother.  I told her when I finished, I'd give it to her.  Her words to me were..."I sure hope I live to see it."  I said, "I know I crochet slow but I will not be defeated by this blanket!" 

Well, I finished it like two months later and it's so big that I think it'll be easier and cheaper to drive it to her than mail it.  It's not my fault.  Maybe it is.  I just thought the pattern didn't seem big enough so I added to it.  She's still alive. I swear I have 10+ skeins in it.  (That's the term for the yarn you buy). 

Sometimes I say in my head...Skein, skein, skein, skein.  To the window to the wall...but I digress. I worked two yarns at once to make this beautifully blended blanket.  It's sits about two feet from me.  I'm a horrible granddaughter.

I ended up making some pretty cool stuff and selling some things.  Then I discovered the fine art of  amigurumi.  Well, my first piece turned out like this...

It's supposed to be a rat...

Well, I guess I'll keep on my trying.  Maybe I'll just crochet an animal with legs.