Sunday, April 19, 2009

What's your addiction?

What's your addiction? Most people may pause at such a question. It may be because you aren't aware you have an addiction or you could be offended I asked. It is somewhat of a personal question. I have lots of vices. Most who are honest with who they are can name a few of their own.

I don't pass judgement on anyone for their addictions. I may question why and how but it's not for me look down on someone because they have issues. I'm addicted to wasting my time for one. I love my family, work hard and love life but waste time. I find ways to waste time. Facebook, blogging, text messages, knowing all along my time is better spent doing something useful like cleaning out my closet. What fun is cleaning out a closet? If I was addicted to closet cleaning, I guess it would be fun.

Oh, I take lots of pictures too. You'll see lots of pictures I've taken on here. I have so many good friends and a lot of family with addictions. Of course, I'm not naming any names but I know at least two sex addicts who would probably admit to it, alcoholics, shoppers, Facebookers, bloggers, drug seekers, pot heads, time wasters, hand washers, people 'fixers'; but I digress.

I don't believe in justifying anything that feels wrong. I clearly can't justify wasting my time. I guess all I can do is admit my addictions. Now, my addictions can't be misconstrued for my obsessions. That's another blog entirely.
With that being said, I guess I'll get started on the road to recovery by saying:

My name is Teresa and I'm a time waster, Facebook user, blogging, text sending, picture taking, Rock Band player that drinks twice a week and really wants to smoke a Marlboro Light 100 sometimes but doesn't. I'm just not a real smoker I guess.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I'm totally blogging that!

So many times I've started to write this blog. Every time I've started, I've had to stop for some reason. Since I'm off work for a few days and the kids are not bothering me, I thought I'd take a moment and get started before Mafia Wars sucked me back into a bottomless pit of crime and destruction. Damn you Mafia Wars. (Thank you David & Stacy). After reading an update on MSN about a mother that has harvested her dead son's sperm and 'Octo-mom' using inheritance money to have all of those babies, I feel like doing a few jobs right about now.

Stay tuned and excuse me while I go rob a pimp and collect on a loan.