Thursday, November 19, 2009

I'm just saying...

Dang, I meant to blog more when I started this.

However, with Thanksgiving upon us, I wanted to blog a little (AKA a lot).

Anyone that knows me well, they know I like to 'take the floor' so to speak. In other words, if I like you and talk to you, I kind of feel bad for you at times because I do know some of my faults. One of which being a non-stop talker. The weird thing for most people is once a conversation starts, it leads to another and so on. About 5 hours later it will end with 'okay, talk to you soon!'.

I walk away knowing that person really does not want to talk to me soon because they talked to me for more time in one sitting than some people do in a year to each other. It's not that they dislike me, it's that they are overwhelmed by me. I know this to be true. I can take a simple conversation about the weather and next thing you know it turns in to quantum physics or ninja's verses pirates and who would win if there was a battle. (But hey, that comes with the package -aka- crazy talk and all).

I've recently found so many old friends on Facebook! It's pretty awesome. I'm not going to say I'm 'obsessed' with Farmville or Mafia Wars on Facebook but some people in my home may disagree. Of course those (or that) person is the one that just spent $35 for an OVERNIGHT delivery of a bulb that cost just under $90 for the 57 inch HD 1080P television he just HAD to have...for video games. (It was an investment for the family you know!) I'm not going to lie, I do enjoy playing Rock Band, which is dang near an obsession with our family but a family that plays together, stays together. I could go into how we have the entire set up, RB1, RB2, The Beatles and now Lego Rock Band. We also have a 'throne' for the drum kit, several sets of sticks, so many guitars we have a guitar stand and I have a mic stand with a drink holder. We do have the stage kit..fog, lights, strobe...all in sync with the songs you are playing...but we are not obsessed. :)

Since it's been a while since I have blogged most all of you know about my accident in July. I did become and still am to an extent obsessed with the fact that I could have died and was lucky enough to stumble away from a head on collision where I was going 40-45 and the guy that hit me was probably going about 40. I had some pretty nasty injuries including a separated AC joint and herniated diaphragm, etc but I lived thanks to being knocked crazy by an airbag and saved by my seat belt. (By crazy, I mean I was non-stop crazy talking and was mad I couldn't remember my birthday or anything else). The EMT's were talking to me and once I was in the ambulance they were saying Jennifer and that's when I said, "Hey, my name's not Jennifer!". They were all...'ummm, that's what you said'. It was at that time a cop came up after finding my purse and he had my ID so they knew my name. It was crazy I tell you!

I have a bad habit of saying, "I'm just saying..." It's bad when a co-worker says she's going to have that put on a t-shirt and on the back put 'It's a Bama thing'. The bad part is that she's Canadian. Weird, eh? (Note the use of my 'eh' as Canadians like that as much as hockey and maple syrup)

Of course, there are the other obsessions. Like the ones based on insecurities but I'll save that for another day. I'm not a poker player but I can put on a poker face all the while I'm holding my cards close to me...(i.e. cards being things you never wanted anyone to know about you including...well, I'll keep it at that for now).

I'm just saying...

I'm really proud of who I am and how I've developed myself over the past years.

I'm happy to say that I've worked hard to be where I'm at, even if it's on a path I never thought I'd be on.

I never was one of those obsessed females that had a goal of getting married and having kids. I never had the 'white picket' fence goal. I know I never wanted to be the stay at home mom. I never even wanted or considered having kids. When I thought about my future it was a military and then solitary non-committed life.

I think it's fantastic to those who can and do it but I also know it's not for everyone.

Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you...

I'm thankful that I live where I do.

I'm thankful to have healthy, well rounded, not influenced by anyone or anything, independent children.

I'm thankful for the suffering in my life. With out it, how would I appreciate what I have?

I'm thankful that I work hard to be on the road to victory and nirvana. I know I have dealt with suffering and there will be more to come but how can you live a life of failure and blaming others for faults?

As much as I think about divorce due to religious issues (i.e. my husband thinking he's God)...I'm thankful that he's there to do all of the stuff I don't have to do. (Like order bulbs for the TV, reach the things I can't, be a good father, change the oil...etc)

Not that I can't do it but...I'm just saying...

To be angry is to let others' mistakes punish yourself.
To forgive others is to be good to yourself.
-Master ChengYen

Thursday, June 4, 2009

R.I.P. Blackie & Brownie

So, a few years back, my husband and I decided we should get the kids a 'starter' pet. Well, after checking out things and researching animals we decided on a gerbil. (AS IN CHECKING OUT...IT WAS MORE ROBBY THAN ME BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE RATS)

They didn't eat a lot, wouldn't keep anyone awake with squeaky wheels to play in at night. So...two hundred dollars later...This was due to the fact that we had to buy two because they were 'social' animals.(Gerbils only cost about $14) They were both sisters. One was black, one was brown. That would explain the names (per my children as I wanted to name them Laverne and Shirley). As you can see from the picture, Blackie is on top and Browning is hanging out on the bottom. It seems gerbils CHEW UP plastic. Feel free to click on the pic...hopefully, it will show you that MOST of my 'formal' dinning room was for rodents.

We spent extra on a glass aquarium and THEN my ever so loving husband decided they needed an addition and bought this add on for the top that had stairs for the gerbils to climb up and have more fun.

So, we had a glass bottom and a metal addition for the gerbils but I know the top part cost around $60-$70.00. Anyway, add in food, bedding, toys, things they constantly chew up and the cost grows. It was my understanding these rat like things would only live for about 2 years. Not that I want my kids to be sad an animal died but...they were RATS to me.

We bought one of those clear balls that the gerbils could crawl around in on the floor because it was funny. What was NOT funny was when someone in the family would sneak behind me while watching TV and putting one of those gerbils on my shoulder or in my hair. They had LONG TAILS and rat features. Seriously.

Blackie and Brownie were supposed to live for about 2 years per the pet store. They lived longer. Blackie was the mean one. Brownie was nicer.

One time my daughter took Blackie out to play and did the whole baby talk know: "Whose a good gerbil, Blackie is a good gerbil, yes she is..."

Then it bit her on the nose and would not let go. It clamped on the tip of her nose. She had bilateral teeth marks on the upper and lower part of her nose for a few days. Of course, she screamed "BLACKIE IS ON MY NOSE". Being concerned parents, we did the "are you bleeding" thing...seems she was so we assisted. Blackie hung off of her nose. I mean, what are you going to do?

Well, the time came when the nicer gerbil died. I've always heard that the meaner you are the longer you live but with Brownie's death came heartache and an undertaker that concerned me. When Brownie was found dead...well the EVIL Blackie ate HALF of her head off. How gross is that? My husband called me at work and I told him to get rid of it but NO. HE BECAME THE UNDERTAKER OF GERBILS.

"What if the kids want to say goodbye?" So, he arranged Brownie on a cloth where her HALF eaten head would not show so when the kids came home they would be able to say goodbye. What the hell is that about? Bury it, flush it but to arrange a viewing, I may be cold hearted but DAMN!

So, I was at work and they had the 'funeral' which I swear killed my hydrangea bush because Brownie was buried near it. Of course, I was blamed because I didn't 'trim' the bush at the proper time for it to bloom. Whatever. I DON'T LANDSCAPE. That's just the bottom line.

For the LOVE of G-d...half of Brownie's head was missing and he arranged this dead rat so you couldn't see it. I guess it's good if you are in to that kind of thing...but not me.

I would LOVE to work in a funeral home. Many people who know me are aware of that. Gerbils...not so much.

Well, the time for Blackie to pass away came this week. I was a bad day already for me. I called home and was informed that Blackie died. I was some what non- complacent about it...however...I knew the funeral was on it's way. Before I took the kids to school, Blackie was alive. Later in the day she died.............

Her cold dead body was clenched on to the upper part of the home they lived in. That would mean her gerbil teeth were attached to the wires of the 'upstairs' part. I knew another funeral was going to happen. When Robby found it, it was already cold and he had to PRY the gerbil's mouth open to get it loose.


I mean, maybe I'm cold hearted but still. SERIOUSLY a funeral with a 'casket' and burial. The last straw for me was the tombstone.


If I ever move from this house and these rat skeletons are dug up and taken with us, someone will be committed.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

What Not to Do

The past few weeks have taught me some valuable lessons. First and foremost to wear my seat belt. I've received two tickets for something that I always try to make a point and do. The first ticket came when I was speeding through a school zone while the lights were flashing. There was a 'speed trap' set up at the bottom of a hill and well...I was flagged down and pulled over. At the time, I was unsure of why. He gave me the "Do you know why I pulled you over?" I seriously didn't know. I think the officer felt pity for my obvious ignorance at the time and told me I was going 43 in a 25 mile per hour school zone. I was willing to take my ticket because I was in the wrong. All I could think about at that point was "My husband will never let me live this one down and I wonder what this will cost?" The officer walked back up and gave me my ticket explaining to me that he would only give me a warning this time for speeding but because I was not wearing a seat belt he was going to have to cite me for that. I willing signed my name and told him thank you and have a good day. A $15 ticket that does not count on your driving record is a-okay with me!

Well, after that I made a point to always buckle up...that is until this past Friday. I 'rolled' through a stop sign that everyone else does in a neighborhood near my son's school. Guess what? A motorcycle cop was there. He got on his bike and pulled me over totally freaking the kids out. I told them to watch that this was a valuable lesson in what NOT to do as a responsible driver. The officer approached my vehicle as I watched 8 other people roll through that sign in my rear view mirror and asked me the famous, "Do you know why I pulled you over?" I said, 'Well..' He said, "Because you rolled through that stop sign. I was going to let you by with that but I noticed you did not have a seat belt on." He took my license came back with my ticket, which I signed happily as he said, "I'm only citing for the seat belt this time". Oh, yeah baby! $15 verses a traffic violation on my record. Once again, luck was somewhat on my side. I have a feeling I won't be so lucky next time. I was in the wrong on both occasions. I was willing to take my tickets that I so deserved.

I put on twitter that I was pretty much once again a violator. My husband called me at work no less than an hour later and asked me about the ticket. I said, "Oh, you must to have seen my status on twitter." He said, "No, I had to go pick your son up at school because he was sick." Now, I'm not saying he was sick because of me getting pulled over...but I do feel bad about it.

I've made a list of 'What not to do' I can add more, trust me!

What not to do

Feed the animals at the zoo

Speed in a school zone

Not wear a seat belt

Roll through a stop sign

Drink whiskey after tequila

Date a friend’s ex (or no one I know should date my ex’s)

Run over pedestrians that walk slow going into Wal-Mart

Be rude to your server in a restaurant

Take drugs (unless your doctor prescribes them)

Drink and drive

Come out of Peachtree Station in downtown Atlanta and turn the wrong way while walking at night

Drink and drink on vacation and then walk Key West in the July sun (yes, I should have went to the hospital dear)

Put off car maintenance

Go to bed angry

Get jealous over anyone or anything

Let your kids think you don't love them

Let your spouse think you don't love them (even if you have a ‘special’ way of showing it)


Send a text to the wrong person

Send an email to the wrong person

Send an angry email

Help a family member if you have the ability

Help a friend of you have the ability

Forget about the REAL you

Put off buying gas because you ‘can go a few more miles’

Sunday, April 19, 2009

What's your addiction?

What's your addiction? Most people may pause at such a question. It may be because you aren't aware you have an addiction or you could be offended I asked. It is somewhat of a personal question. I have lots of vices. Most who are honest with who they are can name a few of their own.

I don't pass judgement on anyone for their addictions. I may question why and how but it's not for me look down on someone because they have issues. I'm addicted to wasting my time for one. I love my family, work hard and love life but waste time. I find ways to waste time. Facebook, blogging, text messages, knowing all along my time is better spent doing something useful like cleaning out my closet. What fun is cleaning out a closet? If I was addicted to closet cleaning, I guess it would be fun.

Oh, I take lots of pictures too. You'll see lots of pictures I've taken on here. I have so many good friends and a lot of family with addictions. Of course, I'm not naming any names but I know at least two sex addicts who would probably admit to it, alcoholics, shoppers, Facebookers, bloggers, drug seekers, pot heads, time wasters, hand washers, people 'fixers'; but I digress.

I don't believe in justifying anything that feels wrong. I clearly can't justify wasting my time. I guess all I can do is admit my addictions. Now, my addictions can't be misconstrued for my obsessions. That's another blog entirely.
With that being said, I guess I'll get started on the road to recovery by saying:

My name is Teresa and I'm a time waster, Facebook user, blogging, text sending, picture taking, Rock Band player that drinks twice a week and really wants to smoke a Marlboro Light 100 sometimes but doesn't. I'm just not a real smoker I guess.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I'm totally blogging that!

So many times I've started to write this blog. Every time I've started, I've had to stop for some reason. Since I'm off work for a few days and the kids are not bothering me, I thought I'd take a moment and get started before Mafia Wars sucked me back into a bottomless pit of crime and destruction. Damn you Mafia Wars. (Thank you David & Stacy). After reading an update on MSN about a mother that has harvested her dead son's sperm and 'Octo-mom' using inheritance money to have all of those babies, I feel like doing a few jobs right about now.

Stay tuned and excuse me while I go rob a pimp and collect on a loan.