Friday, August 10, 2012

Two Tears in a Bucket

I had a chance to train 2 new employees today, one at each job.  When the one girl at my part time job asked me if I had kids and I told her my daughter would be 19 in a few weeks and that I had an 11 year old son, she almost fell out.  She said, "I thought you were 25 or 26...OMG I'm could be my mother." 

Most everyone I meet freak out when they find out how old I am.  Life is too short to act old. Trust me, I work in a cardiology office.  Some of the 'youngest' patients we have are the oldest.

I have a theory of this:  Once you hit your late 20's, fuck what other people think.  Be yourself.  Intentionally impress no one.  As I have said so many times before and I know my family is tired of hearing it...the only person that can truly make you happy is yourself.  You may love your life, your family and more but without self satisfaction, without loving yourself, without depending on 'how others feel about you' just to validate yourself, you'll never truly be happy. 

With that being said, think about this, how can anyone love a person that can't love their self as a whole?  I'm talking, flaws and all. 

Love yourself.  Accept your flaws.  To hell with what other people think.  Life is too short.  I'm 37 going on 16...a very responsible 16 year old, none the less. 

I'm far from perfect.  I accepted that a long time ago.  However, there are a few people that seem to want to remind me from time to time of my imperfections.  That's okay.  Whatever makes them feel better about themselves. 

I'd hate me too, if I were you.  The thing is, I'm not you.  My life has no time for hate.  I'm too busy loving life and myself.  It's liberating.  It's exciting.  Not to mention, entertaining. 

I'm here to entertain make you laugh, to get in your head, to let you know I am not changing for anyone. As long as you are thinking of me, my job is done.
