Saturday, July 14, 2012

I'm a Leo and that's reason enough

Far from a wimp, I often stand my ground in the worst of situations.  It's a weakness of mine.  It's pride and it can be a double edge sword sometimes.  I intimidate people sometimes without knowing it.  Sometimes I'm fully aware of what I'm doing.  When that's the case, well, beware. 

I like to talk. I like to entertain.  I like to start sentences with 'I'.  Sometimes, people may want to say, "Teresa, you know it isn't always about you." but they don't. 

On the few times it did happen, I promptly informed them that yes, it was all about me. 

It's the price you pay sometimes when dealing with me.  At least I'm honest, be it to a fault at times but the bottom line is I'm loyal.  I'm a good friend, at least I like to think so.  It may be years from the last time I've spoken to you but once we do talk it's as if no time has passed.  I'm a giver.  I give of myself in service when I don't have the financial means to do so.  I love to write, play music, make people laugh and love life.  I love to encourage people and when I say that I wish the best for you, I honestly mean it. 

My loyalty is with my family most of all.  Hurt one of my family members in any way (physical or emotional),  be it today or 20 years from now, you will wished you never have. In fact, I bet you'll wish you never met me. 

Then there is the flip side.  I'm melodramatic.  I'm vain.  I try not to be vain but I can't help it.  Let's say, I'm honestly vain. 

I for the most part know that people can't help what they do.  People react in different ways to different situations.  Sometimes, I'm the problem.  Most of the time it's other people's undiagnosed mental health issues that are the problem.  I am far from perfect but I am honest.  Fantasy, wizards, witchcraft and tall tales aren't honest.  Lies and deceit spewing like vile putrid vomit from the black hearts of hatred leads you into despair.

How people can live with so much hatred in their hearts and souls, I'll never know.  Maybe it's because I'm a forgiver.  I'm far from one that forgets.  Sometimes you pay the price for your past.  The check I wrote has already been cashed, has yours? 

You may want to go a head and get a job at your local hardware store so you can get a discount on supplies.  You may need them so you can build a bridge and get over it.  

It's my birthday month. Hear me rawrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.  lol