Saturday, January 8, 2011

He11o 2011

This year's word is realization.

2010...what a year! The end of it marked the end of several things for me. The relationships I've lost, all though disheartening, are for the best. The goals I didn't reach are not left behind. In fact, there's more in store this year than ever before. My baby girl graduates from high school. I'm embarking on a new career. I've removed myself from several negative influences and life is good. In fact, it's great most of the time.

I've come to realize not everyone in life is happy. I'm not always happy. However, it's how you handle what is handed to you that makes a difference. Sometimes you have to agree to disagree and move on. Sometimes you have to speak up on what you feel is right and wrong. Yet, sometimes the people you speak to about this makes it clear it really doesn't matter to them. So, you agree to disagree and well, move on.

They say hind sight is 20/20 and I have to agree. Looking back, the relationships both professional and personal should have long been over. At times, I am a little "Pollyanna" in my thinking. I always hope for the best and look for the good in situations while knowing all the while what the outcome will be. I'm known as to be one that 'keeps it real'. However, after careful review, I've come to realize that keeping it real from a third party point of view is easier than keeping it real first person. Should it considered a weakness of mine, so be it. I'll own it because I know that's one of the only weaknesses I may have.

So, with that, I'm not going to make any "New Year's Resolutions". I'm making a new year full of realizations.

Happy new year everyone! May you have one full of realization.