Saturday, May 16, 2009

What Not to Do

The past few weeks have taught me some valuable lessons. First and foremost to wear my seat belt. I've received two tickets for something that I always try to make a point and do. The first ticket came when I was speeding through a school zone while the lights were flashing. There was a 'speed trap' set up at the bottom of a hill and well...I was flagged down and pulled over. At the time, I was unsure of why. He gave me the "Do you know why I pulled you over?" I seriously didn't know. I think the officer felt pity for my obvious ignorance at the time and told me I was going 43 in a 25 mile per hour school zone. I was willing to take my ticket because I was in the wrong. All I could think about at that point was "My husband will never let me live this one down and I wonder what this will cost?" The officer walked back up and gave me my ticket explaining to me that he would only give me a warning this time for speeding but because I was not wearing a seat belt he was going to have to cite me for that. I willing signed my name and told him thank you and have a good day. A $15 ticket that does not count on your driving record is a-okay with me!

Well, after that I made a point to always buckle up...that is until this past Friday. I 'rolled' through a stop sign that everyone else does in a neighborhood near my son's school. Guess what? A motorcycle cop was there. He got on his bike and pulled me over totally freaking the kids out. I told them to watch that this was a valuable lesson in what NOT to do as a responsible driver. The officer approached my vehicle as I watched 8 other people roll through that sign in my rear view mirror and asked me the famous, "Do you know why I pulled you over?" I said, 'Well..' He said, "Because you rolled through that stop sign. I was going to let you by with that but I noticed you did not have a seat belt on." He took my license came back with my ticket, which I signed happily as he said, "I'm only citing for the seat belt this time". Oh, yeah baby! $15 verses a traffic violation on my record. Once again, luck was somewhat on my side. I have a feeling I won't be so lucky next time. I was in the wrong on both occasions. I was willing to take my tickets that I so deserved.

I put on twitter that I was pretty much once again a violator. My husband called me at work no less than an hour later and asked me about the ticket. I said, "Oh, you must to have seen my status on twitter." He said, "No, I had to go pick your son up at school because he was sick." Now, I'm not saying he was sick because of me getting pulled over...but I do feel bad about it.

I've made a list of 'What not to do' I can add more, trust me!

What not to do

Feed the animals at the zoo

Speed in a school zone

Not wear a seat belt

Roll through a stop sign

Drink whiskey after tequila

Date a friend’s ex (or no one I know should date my ex’s)

Run over pedestrians that walk slow going into Wal-Mart

Be rude to your server in a restaurant

Take drugs (unless your doctor prescribes them)

Drink and drive

Come out of Peachtree Station in downtown Atlanta and turn the wrong way while walking at night

Drink and drink on vacation and then walk Key West in the July sun (yes, I should have went to the hospital dear)

Put off car maintenance

Go to bed angry

Get jealous over anyone or anything

Let your kids think you don't love them

Let your spouse think you don't love them (even if you have a ‘special’ way of showing it)


Send a text to the wrong person

Send an email to the wrong person

Send an angry email

Help a family member if you have the ability

Help a friend of you have the ability

Forget about the REAL you

Put off buying gas because you ‘can go a few more miles’